Core Exercises For 6 Pack
Core Exercises For 6 Pack. With shoulders back and back straight, raise your knees up past your waistline, then slowly lower the legs back to straight. Kneel down, holding the rope in front of your forehead, bend and curl your torso downward, rounding your back and moving your head towards your knees while feeling your abdominal muscles crunch together.

If your summer six-pack is still in winter hibernation, you're certainly not alone.
Your core revolves around muscles in your lower back, abdomen, spine erectors, and oblique's as well.
Favorite Core Tightening Ab Exercises: Plank Vacuums Dragonflies Ab wheel rollouts Pallof press L-sit holds Broomstick twist. Lass auch Du dich jetzt beraten! Your upper-body, hip flexors, glutes and lower-back are all going to have to support you, which makes it a perfect move for building core strength.